Gruyère 1655

Gruyère 1655

from $17.00

It is always exciting when we receive a whole wheel of Gruyère 1655. A single wheel is about seventy five pounds and almost two and a half feet tall! It is one of the few cheeses that require two people to cut it in half. Why is this cheese so big? Well, Gruyère and other mountain style cheeses were originally made high in the Alps where cowherds brought their animals to graze during the warm summer months. It was easier to transport one large wheel down the mountain than many smaller wheels of equal weight. The cheesemakers themselves transported these giants in special wooden carriers that fit over the head and shoulders. Yes, it’s true! Imagine hiking down a steep, slippery mountain path with this huge, unwieldy thing resting on your head! Thankfully, enough people survived this treacherous activity that we still have Gruyere today!

Gruyère 1655 is one of the best Gruyères out there. Gérald Roux, an affineur (cheese ager) at Fromage Gruyère SA, was looking for a Gruyère that best exemplified the style using the Gruyère Association’s standards. He looked through cheeses from the twenty seven dairies with product in his caves and he decided the version from cheesemaker Jean-Marie Dunand at Le Cret was the one. It is sweet and salty, tastes like toast dunked in brown butter, and has a velvety texture with a slight crystally crunch. Melt this classic alpine in your next fondue, grate on top of French onion soup, or add it to a bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich.

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Texture: Firm
Milk Type: Cow
Milk Treatment: Raw
Rennet: Animal
Producer: Fromagerie Le Crêt
Affineur: Gerald Roux, Gruyere S.A.
Region: Canton Fribourg
Country: Switzerland




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