Bestsellers Collection

Bestsellers Collection


The name says it all: this collection features the most popular cheeses in our store - the ones that are most essential, most beloved, and most likely to leave you saying “OMG” after your first bite. They are our Greatest Hits, MVPs, Cheese Shop champions: guaranteed to please. Go ahead, see what all the fuss is about.

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  • Serves 6-8 people. The Bestsellers Collection contains 2 pounds of cheese, 1 jar of honey, and 1 box of crackers. Specific items may vary. Typical selection includes Aussie Magic, an aged gouda, a cheddar, a firm Alpine-style cheese, and a soft-ripened cow’s milk cheese.


Dad Collection

Dad Collection

Love Collection

Love Collection

New Englander Collection

New Englander Collection

Cheddar Lover Collection

Cheddar Lover Collection

Netflix and Cheese Collection

Netflix and Cheese Collection
