The Cheese Shop of Salem

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Endive & Aussie Magic

Serve this soft goat and sheep’s milk cheese with a nice crisp rosé and you’ve got yourself a super easy, wowzer of an hors d’oeuvre. Enjoy!


  • 1/2 lb Aussie Magic, with some extra oil

  • 1/8 lb Maitland Mountain Farm pickled red onion or pickled radish

  • Fresh ground pepper


  1. Trim the base of the endive and pull off each leaf until you reach the core.

  2. Spoon one tablespoon of Aussie Magic near the bottom of each leaf of endive.

  3. Place a pinch of red onion or a radish slice on top of the Aussie Magic.

  4. Drizzle a little extra oil from the Aussie Magic on each leaf of endive.

  5. Season each piece with freshly ground pepper.

  6. Arrange on serving platter and serve.  Can be made an hour ahead; cover loosely with plastic wrap and refrigerate until ready to serve.

    Yield: 20-24 pieces