The Cheese Shop of Salem

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Gold Rush Cocktail

Well, I caught the Christmas cold. It’s no wonder - energy is up, immunities are down, it’s inevitable. While it’s totally manageable and just the common cold, it’s enough to make the parties and celebrations just a little demure. The worst part is that my taste buds and appetite are a little off, but my desire to be festive is still on. I bring to you my fellow ailing party goers a drink that will not only be festive as heck but will cure what ails you. The Gold Rush Cocktail is basically a Hot Toddy without the tea, because let’s face it, who wants a tea bag hanging out of their coup glass at a fabulous party?!  The Gold Rush is perfect on ice or served a little warm, which is how I’ve been guzzling, I mean, sipping it. Here’s to health and happiness in the New Year, and to feel a bit healthier, make yourself a Gold Rush! Happy Holidays all!        


  • 2 ounces bourbon whiskey

  • 3/4 ounce fresh lemon juice

  • 3/4 ounce Bee Local Honey Syrup or Mettafore Wildflower Honey (see note 2)*

*Items with an asterisk can be found at The Cheese Shop of Salem.


1.     Combine all ingredients over ice in a cocktail shaker.  Shake until well combined and chilled, strain into a cocktail glass.

2.     Alternatively, you can make honey syrup combining equal parts honey and water over medium heat until honey dissolves.