Time for treats!

Hanukkah starts tonight! I wish I could be with some of my Hannukah observing friends and family, but I can’t. You probably can’t either, and it’s a friggin bummah, eh? But! I do believe that even if it’s just you this holiday season, there has never been a year that we’ve needed to celebrate more, so whatever that means to you, do it up! Maybe you eat all the cookies, pop that bottle of champagne, decorate the heck out of a baby Christmas tree, or go wild for one, five, eight nights of Hanukkah!

In service of doing it up, here are some of my favorite little gifties that can be a part of any celebration, whether as stocking stuffers or as presents for drive by gifting (aka dropping off a bag of amazing fun things on a friend’s doorstep, then worrying someone else took it. It’ll be fun!) or for giving to yourself because you deserve the good stuff.

Ok let’s start with the little ‘uns first. These are the goodies perfect for stuffing into a stocking or a hiding place for a gift treasure hunt! One of our most popular holiday items are these Brandy-Filled Chocolate Pears. They are so GOOD. The chocolate has a slight snap to it and the pool of brandy in the center makes these treats truly irresistible. Each year, customers buy these by the fistfuls as soon as they hit our shelves! 

Next we’ve got the mini bottles of Sugar Bob’s Smoked Maple Syrup. We carry these all year round, but I crave them most in the winter. I like to add a couple drops of syrup to an Old Fashioned or whip a healthy drizzle into butter. The big flavors and tiny bottles make these a perfect holiday treat.

Another favorite is torrone, the delightfully sweet holiday treat made from sugar, egg whites, and almonds. There are little bars of traditional torrone, but there are also large flavored Torrone Slices that have become real holiday stars around here! The producer adds dark chocolate and pistachios to one (oh yeahhh) and caramel and salted butter to the other (whaaat!). Indulge friends, it’s time. 

Oh the holidays! Time for fun, tasty sweets, large and small for your besties, or your aunties, or just your selfies. For more gift ideas, head to our Holiday page and shop our selection of seasonal treats! Happy holidays, y’all!

For the love of cheese and sweet presents,


Shop Holiday

The Cheese Shop Of Salem