The Cheese Shop of Salem

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Truff Love

TRUFF + Fried Chicken = TRUE-FF LUV

I’m going to take a quick break from cheese this week because I want to talk hot sauce. I love hot sauce, and to toot my own horn as the grocery buyer, I think our hot sauce section is LIT. I was thinking about how much I love hot sauce as I poured Queen Majesty’s Red Habanero and Black Coffee hot sauce all over the huevos rancheros Dad makes on New Year’s Day. I thought about it when I poured the Butterfly Bakery Heady Topper Craft Beer hot sauce onto a grilled sausage from Karl’s Sausage Kitchen (<3 <3 <3). I thought about it as I loaded Mina Harissa (mild, but still with some zip) onto the Chicken Shawarma we made for our weekly Sunday Night Dinner with family and friends. And I thought about it today when we got in a hot sauce I have been waiting to try for weeks! It’s here everyone!!! Truff Black Truffle hot sauce is already popular among our customers and staff, but now they’ve kicked it up a notch with their limited edition White Truffle hot sauce. It comes in a gleaming white box with gold writing, signifying this as a special gift to hot sauce lovers everywhere. And here’s the straight dope – it is not cheap. It runs for $35 per bottle because of the rarity of white truffles. This CANNOT become an addiction for me. I must withstand! 

Okay, it is now two minutes later and I just tasted it, and bad news bears, I think I’ve picked up an expensive habit…This hot sauce, oh my goodness. OH MY GOODNESS. How to describe it? Can one describe a perfect summer’s day or the feel of a warm breeze off the ocean or the deep blue of dusk? Just kidding, I can describe it, I was just being a dramatic poet and clearly it’s not a good look on me. It tastes like the black truffle version, but with all the flavors pumped up and brightened. The truffliness is more pronounced, the sweet/spicy balance is right on the mark, and the truffle is enhanced by whispers of cumin and coriander. I think it’s more efficient for me to tell you what I don’t want this on, rather than what I do want it on. What I don’t want it on: cucumbers because I don’t like cucumbers. That’s it. Now, if you also pick up this habit, I will commiserate, but I won’t apologize because I’m too excited to have this magical sauce in our lives.

For the love of cheese and Truff hot sauce of course,
