The Cheese Shop of Salem

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Bergamino di Bufala

We’ve got a new buffalo milk cheese in our case! Although Buffalo milk cheeses are few, they are mighty, and the newest to the crew is Bergamino di Bufala from Lombardy in northern Italy. Actually, all three of our buffalo cheeses are from Italy, which led me to ask, what’s the deal with Italy and buffalo cheeses? I should write water buffalo, or even more specifically river buffalo (or if you’re a nerd like me, even MORE specifically Bubalus bubalis). Not surprisingly, there are myriad theories of how water buffalo, originally from Asia, got to Italy. Saracens (remember them?? They brought goats to France!), during their conquest of Sicily in the early 800s CE, brought the first water buffalo to the area. Or the Goths brought them to Italy in the early medieval period (not totally clear how the Goths got them). Or Arabs brought them to the western Asia and European pilgrims and crusaders brought them from there to Italy. THE POINT IS water buffalo were introduced to Italy, like, a long time ago.

The first written record of buffalo cheese in Italy is from 12th century monks, of course, who describe giving buffalo mozzarella to pilgrims. Since then, Italian cheesemakers have moved past mozzarella to make other delicious buffalo’s milk cheeses. They range in flavor and texture, but all share a richness because buffalo’s milk is rich in protein, fat, and carbohydrates. While cow’s milk is on average 3 ½% fat, buffalo’s milk is 10%! This means buffalo milk is extra luxurious and sweet, making it a perfect choice for sumptuous, mild cheese like Bergamino di Bufala. 

Bergamino has a bright white rind that feels like soft suede. The texture of the paste is like velvet, marshmallows, feathery pillows, dense meringue ... It tastes of fresh milk with a cream cheese tang, a touch of chive, and a bit of a bitter finish to balance the palate-coating richness. We recommend enjoying it atop grilled baguette, drizzled with Lidrivio olive oil and sprinkled with salt and pepper. When the bread comes off the grill, spread it with thick pieces of Bergamino so that the cheese melts into the crags and crevices of the crunchy toast. And definitely go for that extra drizzle of fruity, grassy olive oil - it makes this pairing just too delicious. This crunchy, cheesy baguette is the perfect pre-dinner snack for summer. Enjoy!

For the love of cheese and all the water buffalo,


P.S. I am CRAVING West African peanut soup and I really like this recipe from Imma Adamu, creator of the website Immaculate Bites. For my own taste, I like to add sweet potato, double the garlic, double the ginger, cook the whole thing for like 45 minutes, and add some greens. It is uh-MAZING and I highly recommend you give it a try.

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